On First Day Possible, Pierson Files Bill To Protect Texans’ Property Rights From Squatters
PRESS CONTACT: Info@KatrinaForTexas.com
(Austin, TX) – In her first official act, Representative-Elect Katrina Pierson filed a bill that would strengthen property owners’ rights and combat the unauthorized occupation of land or property known as squatting.
Pierson’s bill, House Bill (HB) 1076, would increase the penalties “squatters” face for unlawfully occupying a property, provide clearer parameters for what constitutes squatting, and allow county sheriffs to remove these unauthorized occupants from an owner’s property through an expedited process.
Under current law, squatting places an undue financial and legal burden on the property owner and can result in lost rental income, property damage, and other negative outcomes. Furthermore, it is difficult even in Texas to actually evict unauthorized individuals from a dwelling due to legal complications.
HB 1076 is modeled after successful legislation passed in Florida and will address these complications, helping relieve the burden of squatters currently felt by property owners. Pierson advocates strongly for the rights of her constituents and all Texas residents, property rights chief among them.
“I chose this as my first bill because I am a fierce champion of property rights,”said Rep.-Elect Pierson. “For too long, Texas property owners have had their hands tied as their buildings, land, and livelihoods are damaged by squatters who have more rights than they do. It’s time that the law was written to benefit the people who rightfully own these properties instead of the trespassers illegally living in them.”